Can you put hot water in a Brita filter? (Explained & How to do)

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Written By John Roe Stephen

Hot water should not be added to the Brita filter, and it is harmful to the dispenser made of plastic.

Also, the carbon filtration will get damaged and reduce the efficiency of the filter.

Water temperature between 29°C to 40°C can be used, but hotter than that would negatively affect the pitcher.

Step by Step guide to using the hot water in a Brita filter

The use of hot water could offer additional benefits. When there are fewer bacteria to filter, the efficiency of the filter improves.

Many households prefer boiling the water before pouring it into a Brita dispenser for use throughout the day.

However, it would be best if you took precautions while using the hot water into the Brita filter to avoid damaging the pitcher and dispenser.

1) Prepare your Brita filter

Assemble the Brita filter according to the manufacturer’s instructions and make your Brita filter ready to use.

You are cleaning it thoroughly before you pour the water, and it should be clean and ready to filter the hot water.

2) Heat the water

Use the gas stove or a water heater in the kitchen attached to the drinking water connection, then get the water temperature between 30 to 40 degrees Celsius.

If the water is too hot, keep it aside for a while to cool down until it becomes mild.

3) Pour the water into the picture

Slowly pour the hot water into the dispenser. Ensure that that the water is not damaging the internal surface of the picture. After the pitcher is full, leave it aside for a while.

Let it cool down again to room temperature.

4) Drink the water

Once the water is at room temperature, the next step is to pour the water into a glass. Observe the water condition. Significantly, the color of the water should not turn black or pale yellow.

In some cases, the hot water will release the contamination trapped in the carbon filter.

If the water is contaminated, do not drink it. The contamination will pass through the water and reach the glass. You should replace the filter as soon as possible to avoid any health issues.

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What happens if you put hot water in the Brita filter?

Hot water should be avoided at any cost. Hot water would burn the interior of the Brita filter.

Additionally, the picture filter is made of carbon and a tiny membrane that gets disturbed when you pass the hot water from it.

The bacteria and microscopic particles trapped in the water could also get released due to heat, eventually reaching the drinking water.

Thus, you should avoid the hot water at any cost from adding into your Brita filter.

Do I need to boil Brita water?

Generally, the Brita water filter is efficient enough to remove harmful bacteria and contamination from the water.

If you live in a region where water quality is too bad or use the Brita water filter in the remote area while traveling, boiling the Brita water would be a decisive decision.

The best way to decide whether your water need boiling is the taste of the water.

It might still be contaminated if you feel the muddy or foul taste after purifying the water using the Brita filter.

You may have to boil the water to clear that contamination before drinking it.

Can you put any water in a Brita?

No. The Brita filter is designed to process only soft and tiny particles such as waterborne contamination, small metals particles, chemicals, and sediments.

If you pour any water into the Brita filter, it might not clean the water efficiently.

The carbon filter fixed in the Brita filter that does the cleaning job would not remove the harmful particles, and it has a limited range where it could not clean the high amount of mug and dust particles.

The filter becomes damaged quickly if the water condition is too bad.

Can you microwave a Brita filter?

No. You should never put the Brita filter into the microwave. The heat in the microwave will damage the filter as it is made of plastic and acrylic. The material would not face heat and meltdown when it is kept at a hot temperature.

So do not think about putting the Brita filter into the microwave. It will damage the entire system, and you may have to buy another one.

What happens if you put coffee/milk/tea through a Brita filter?

The Brita filter is not designed to filter the beverages such as coffee, milk, tea, and it is only efficient when you use normal water to remove the contamination.

When you filter the coffee or any other beverages in the Brita filter, the substance of this beverage will get trapped into the carbon filter.

It will create a layer of the substance in the filter, which will become easy food for the trapped bacteria. Even if you clean the filter after pouring the coffee, you will still experience the aroma of the coffee in the normal water or any other beverages that you filter.

Additionally, milk and tea contain sugar, which could help the development of the bacteria in the filter. The filter would become foul within a week, and it will have a dirty smell to the water.

The scent is a sign of growing bacteria inside the filter. You cannot clean the filter once it is foul; the only way to clean this is to replace it with the new filter.

So if you plan to conduct an experience like this with your Brita filter, ensure that you are ready to spend more money on the new filter. Also, the smell of the milk will last longer if you do not clean the filter properly.

You may need multiple washes to get rid of the smell of the milk in the filter. The dispenser would feel contaminated with the scent of milk even after you clean and pour the freshwater.

Be aware of these outcomes and take the wise decision to avoid getting into trouble.

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