Does Bottled Water Have Fluoride ?

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Written By Mary Samantha Katherine

Want to know a secret? Fluoride is not harmful to your health. That’s right, fluoridated water in the right amount is beneficial for your teeth. But now, the question arises, do all types of water have fluoride? Does bottled water have fluoride?

These are the queries you should know the answer to. This article will work as a fluoridated bottled water – Ultimate Guide for those looking for these answers. You will also know whether tap water is a good choice, the natural sources of fluoridated water, and which bottled water brands contain and do not contain fluoride.

Does Bottled Water Have Fluoride?

Fluoride is only suitable for the body at the correct percentage. Most bottled water does not contain fluoride. That’s because the water is not fluoridated while bottling. But some bottlers use municipal tap water, which contains fluoride in the right amount. You will find that information on the bottle label if bolted water has fluoride. 

Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral component found in water. It is used in many dental processes like strengthening tooth enamel and preventing tooth decay and cavities. It can resist acid and block the cavity from the actions of bacteria. Both children and adults need fluoride. That’s why a little fluoride in the water is good for the body.

But as much as they claim, most bottled water does not contain fluoride. Bottled waters are collected from various natural sources like wells, springs, etc. So, most of these sources do not have fluoride in their water. But the bottled waters collected from municipal tap waters have a regulated amount of fluorides.

Again, some of the bottled water have fluoride in them. You will find that information on the label of the bottle. But remember, if bottled water is not fluoridated while bottling, fluoride won’t appear in the water.

Does Tap Water Have Fluoride?

Tap water has the highest level of fluoride among all types of water. And most importantly, community tap water is regulated by government bodies. That’s why it contains all the components in the right amount, including fluoride.

Almost all natural water has some amount of fluoride, but the amount is not enough to avail of the benefits. That’s why fluoride is separately added to the tap water for public health benefits, and the process is called fluoridation. The decision to add fluoride and its amount is taken at the state or local level.

Is Fluoride In Water Good For Health?

Fluoride is a mineral component that prevents tooth decay and protects people of all ages from cavities. A study by American Dental Association shows that fluoride in the community water system or municipal tap water prevents up to 25% of tooth decay in children and adults. That’s why most toothpaste now claims to have fluoride in them.

For over 75 years, scientific evidence has shown that fluoridation is safe and effective. But a specific amount of fluoride is good for the body. Consuming more than a specific amount can cause various problems for the human body. That’s why the amount of fluoride in community water is always regulated.

The maximum amount of fluoride in public water is called MCL or Maximum Contaminant Level. The MCL for the current enforceable community drinking water standard for fluoride is 4 mg/L. If 1 liter of water has more than 4 mg fluoride, it can cause health issues.

On top of that, different fluoride levels are suitable for different ages and conditions. For example, the recommended fluoride amount for adult men over 19 years old is 4 mg/L. The amount is 3 mg/L for 19+ old adult women, pregnant teens or women, and breastfeeding teens or women.

Why Do We Add Fluoride To Drinking Water?

Fluoride in the right amount is beneficial for the human body. It’s beneficial to children and adults. That’s why municipalities around the world add fluoride to tap water. Again, some bottled water also comes fluoridated. It benefits people throughout their lifetime.

  • When we eat something, especially sugary food, the bacteria in our mouths produce acid, which washes away minerals from the teeth’ surface. As a result, our teeth become weekend. Fluoride rebuilds the strength of the teeth. So, it protects your teeth from potential damage.
  • For children, fluoride helps strengthen permanent teeth. It makes them stronger while they develop under the gum.
  • For adults, drinking fluoridated water will protect their teeth from decay. It will support the teeth’ enamel and keep it stronger and healthy.
  • Fluoride will prevent cavities for both children and adults.

That’s why fluoride is added to the water. This mineral component occurs naturally and comes from the rock into the soil. All water has some fluoride, but the level is too little to prevent teeth decay and cavity. Municipalities and bottlers add extra fluoride to a certain level into the tap and bottled water.

What Are The Dangers Of Fluoride?

Fluoride is a helpful mineral, but you must consume it at a specific rate. 4 mg/L is the right amount of fluoride in water. Community water is regulated and supplied with this amount, but consuming too much fluoride can cause many health hazards. 

  • Fluoride is well known for protecting teeth, but excessive fluoride can damage your teeth.
  • It can cause tooth discoloration. Your teeth might become yellowed or brown if you intake more fluoride.
  • A high intake of fluoridated water will also cause tooth decay by weakening your tooth’s enamel.
  • Besides the damage to your teeth, high fluoridated bottled and tap water can cause damage to your skeleton by weakening it over time.
  • It can also bring about many neurological problems. On top of all these, you can suffer from high blood pressure, acne, seizures, etc., diseases by drinking excessively fluoridated water.

Drinking too much fluoride can be fatal, so you should always be meticulous about its level in your water. Make sure your municipality provides you with the right amount of fluoridated water. If your bottled water has fluoride, always check the label for the amount of its presence.

What Are The Symptoms Of Consuming Too Much Fluoride?

Drinking fluoridated water to a certain level is good for our teeth. But if we consume too much of this mineral, we’ll see many health issues. I have already discussed that excessive fluoride can cause your teeth decay and many other health hazards.

But how do you know you consume more fluoride than the prescribed level? Well, you’ll start showing many symptoms, and they will tell you that your body has more fluoride than it was supposed to.

Short Term Symptoms

If you suffer from abdominal pain, excessive saliva, nausea or vomiting, muscle spasms, and seizures after drinking fluoridated water, there is a chance that the level is too high for your body. It also results in joint stiffness and pain, eventually leading to fractures and weak bones in older adults.

Long-Term Symptoms

Drinking too much fluoride for a long time can cause high blood pressure, various neurological problems, etc. So, if you have any long-term symptoms of these diseases, excessive fluoride can be responsible for that. Kidneys remove half of the fluoride within three to ten hours. But it stays in the blood long term by daily exposure.

Which Bottled Water Has Fluoride?

We know that most bottled water does not have fluoride in the water. Even if they have, the amount is pretty small. On the other hand, some bottlers fluoridate water before bottling to enhance its nutritional value. Since fluoride is a mineral and can protect teeth from decay, many people want to have it in their bottled water.

Because of the widespread use of bottled water, it’s essential to know which brands offer fluoride in their bottled water. Thus, it will become relatively easy for you to choose the right bottled water from the store.

So, here are some well-known bottled water brands and the amount of fluoride available in their water.

Bottled Water NameAmount of Fluoride
Aquafina0.05 PPM
Evian0.10 PPM
Perrier0.31 PPM
Poland Springs0.10 PPM
Dasani0.07 PPM
Propel Fitness Water0.02 PPM
Ozarka0.05 mg/L
Crystal Geyser0.24 PPM
Naya0.14 PPM
Fifewtr2.40 PPM

 What Type Of Bottled Water Does Not Have Fluoride?

Community tap water contains a regulated amount of fluoride for health benefits. In terms of bottled water, most of them do not have any fluoride added unless it’s collected from municipal tap water. The most common bottled water we see is either purified or distilled water.

Bottled water with ‘purified’ and ‘distilled’ labels generally does not have any fluoride in its water. Most of the purified or distilled water is generally sourced from tap water. So, it should contain fluoride. But the water goes through a certain purification and distillation process, which removes fluoride.

In the distillation process, water is turned into vapor, which becomes water upon cooling. In the process, fluoride and other mineral components leave the water.

Here are some bottled water brands without any trace of fluoride.

Bottled WaterAmount of Fluoride
Acqua Panna0.0
Arto Lifewtr0.0
Icelandic Glacial0.0
Real Canadian0.0
Trader Joe’s Alkaline Water0.0

Does Spring Water Have Fluoride?

All types of water have a little fluoride in them. Although, the amount is very tiny. So, natural spring water also contains some fluoride. But it’s certainly not enough to protect your teeth from decay and cavity. So, bottled spring water, directly bottled after collection without any treatment, has very little fluoride.

A spring or artesian bottled water has an average fluoride of 0.08 ppm. But mineral bottled water has more fluoride. If you compare mineral and spring bottled water, you’ll see that the mineral one has 0.32 ppm. Moreover, flavored bottled water has 0.16 ppm fluoride.

But spring bottled water with added fluoride has 0.63 ppm, which is significantly higher than regular spring water. So, in a word, spring water, whether it’s bottled or not, has a minimal fluoride amount. Bottlers add fluoride to the spring water while bottling to make it fluoridated.

Does Well Water Have Fluoride?

Every kind of groundwater has some fluoride in them. While the amount could be significantly less than some sources, it can be very high for the rest. Natural water can contain fluoride from 0.1 to 12 ppm, depending on the water source. The fluoride level generally depends on the type of rocks near the source. 

The amount of fluoride-bearing mineral also determines the fluoride level. Like any other natural water source, well water also contains some fluoride. But the amount can be meager, depending on the rock type. That’s why well water is not particularly good for your teeth.

So, it’s clear that you won’t be able to maintain your oral health by drinking well water because you won’t get enough fluoride to protect and strengthen your teeth.

Is There More Fluoride In Bottled Water?

No, bottled water generally does not contain any fluoride unless bottlers add it. Even if they have fluoride, the amount is very low. Compared to tap water, bottled water’s fluoride level is very small. Cheaper and commonly available bottled waters are purified or distilled; thus, they do not contain fluoride.

Again, bottled waters from various natural sources and directly bottled without treatment may contain fluoride. Still, the amount is insufficient to protect your teeth and strengthen them like tap water.

The amount generally varies from 0.03 ppm to 0.30 ppm, whereas the standard amount of fluoride in water is around 0.64 ppm or 4 mg/L. However, bottled waters directly sourced from municipal tap water have the right amount of fluoride.

How Do I Know If I Have Fluoride In My Water?

Fluoride is a mineral content that makes water healthier for people. Because of this component, the teeth of children and adults become strong, and they stop decaying. But it does not have any taste. So, there’s no way you can say whether your drinking water has fluoride only by tasting it.

  • Firstly, if you want to know whether tap water has fluoride, you must ask your municipality. They are the authority to provide you with the information.
  • Secondly, you can also ask your state government or authority about this information. They generally provide information to MWF.
  • Finally, the process is simple if you want to know if your bottled water has fluoride. Just check the bottle label. The information is available on the bottle label.

Do Boiling Water Removes Fluoride?

While the right amount of fluoride is good for health, many people want fluoride-free water. But you should know that boiling water does not remove fluoride. It can remove chlorine but does not help with fluoride. Instead, boiling already fluoridated water might increase the amount of fluoride.

People also use filters to remove fluoride. But filters also do not have the capability to remove it. A filter can only remove some minerals and other contaminations that affect the taste of your water.

However, if you want to remove fluoride from water, you have to use a reverse osmosis system. It is costlier but will provide you with fluoride-free water. Again, the water distillation process also removes this mineral from your water. So, you can distill your water to get fluoride-free water. But remember, distilled water has no taste.

How Can You Avoid Excessive Fluoride?

We have learned that fluoride in the right amount is very beneficial to our teeth. But excessive fluoride in our body can cause damage to that very teeth and create other health issues. So, you should always be watchful so that you do not have excessive fluoride exposure. 

There are several ways you can avoid consuming fluoride. I’m listing down a few.

  • Stop drinking fluoridated tap water; try to drink fluoride-free bottled water.
  • Avoid toothpaste that has fluoride in it. Also, make sure you and your children do not swallow fluoride toothpaste.
  • Never use fluoride gel treatment at the dentist.
  • Always try to eat fresh food instead of processed ones.
  • Try to eat organically grown fruits and vegetables.

This is how you can avoid consuming fluoride. But, instead of avoiding altogether, I would advise you to consume it in the right amount.

How Do You Get Fluoride Out Of Water Naturally?

Many natural water source has fluoride that you cannot remove naturally. In this case, you will have to use the reverse osmosis filtration system, a simple process to remove fluoride from your drinking water. This filtration system can remove up to 85-92% fluoride from your water.

The filtration system uses your household tap water pressure to push water through the filtration process and comes out as fluoride-free water. You should also know that calcium can neutralize fluoride. But never use it for your drinking water.

Final Thoughts

To wrap up, I’d like to say that you should drink fluoridated water with the right amount. However, most common bottled waters do not generally have fluoride. So, you should avoid them and drink fluoridated tap water instead. And go for fluoridated ones if you have to drink bottled water. The info is available on the bottle label.

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