How to test TDS levels in water? [The Complete Guide]

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Written By John Roe Stephen

It is essential to ensure that your drinking water’s TDS level is up to the consumption level. Even if the TDS level is not up to the controllable level, you must be able to ensure the required level is reachable.

But, before doing all of them, you must know the TDS level as the first concern. That is when you must conduct the TDS levels in the water.

In this article, we will teach you “How to test TDS levels in Water.” 

Equipment and Materials Needed :

A TDS Meter

You must provide a TDS tester as the first concern. TDS meters are widely available and can be purchased online or from a local store. What we recommend for you is a device that you can easily handle(As you don’t have the technical skill to use complex DS meters)

A cup

You must choose a transparent or a white cup to collect water. The cup should have at least 200ml capacity and not be more than 1000ml (The more the cup gets bigger, the higher the faulty readings may generate)

How to Choose the best TDS meter for testing water?

The first step in checking the TDS level of drinking water is to find the best TDS meter. What we recommend to you is a Handheld TDS meter.

Why should I use the Handheld TDs device to check the TDS level?

We discovered that the Handheld TDS checker is the best device for checking the TDS level of water at home. These are why you may want to use a handheld TDS device to check the TDS level of water.


Handheld TDS meters are compact and portable, which makes them walk wherever you go. You can quickly identify the TDS level of any water.

Ease of Use

The process of testing water using a handheld TDS meter is a straightforward and simple one. It requires only a few steps to get the TDS of water. A user must simply turn on the device, immerse it in the water sample, and then read the results.

Quick Results

Handheld TDS meters deliver quick and accurate results in just a few seconds. Compared to other TDS testers or meters, it is a lot of convenient.  Testing the quality of water in real-time is also a benefit.


Compared to more complex and expensive testing equipment, handheld TDS meters are the least costly to test TDS of water.  It can provide reliable results for a fraction of the cost, and you won’t even feel how much it costs.


Handheld TDS meters can be used to test the TDS levels of a variety of water sources. You can easily use the TDS device to test tap water, well water, aquarium water, water used for aquaponic systems, and even swimming pool water.

What TDS Test Kit Should I Use to Test Water TDS Levels?

When it comes to testing water TDS levels, choosing the perfect tds test kit needs careful consideration. There are various options available in the market that can accurately measure the Total Dissolved Solids content in water. Make sure to select a reliable and user-friendly TDS test kit to ensure precise results and maintain water quality.

How to test the TDS level of the water sample?

You may follow these simple steps to test the TDS level of the water sample you just collected.

1.      Calibrating the TDS meter

You must calibrate the TDS meter at least once in 01 months. That duration depends on the number of times you have tested the TDS of water. (Some TDS meters come with a calibration. You may use it to calibrate the meter before use) If the TDS meter does not come with a calibration solution, you may follow this article.

2.      Preparation of Water Sample

The first step is to prepare the water sample. A water sample must be collected from the water source. You can collect it from a tap, well, or any other source of water.

Note: You must measure the TDS of water as soon as the sample is collected. If it takes longer, you must stir the cup.

3.      Measuring the TDS Levels in Water Sample

After the sample is collected, you must measure the TDS levels in the water sample. You must place the probe of the TDS meter into the water sample and wait for the digital display to show the TDS levels in parts per million (ppm).

4.      Interpretation of TDS Results

You must interpret the obtained reading according to the desired TDS levels for the water source.

The most important thing is TDS levels in drinking water must be below 500 ppm. If the value you got is between 50-150, that will be the optimum value. 

You may get a proper idea from this table.

UseTDS Level (mg/L)
Drinking waterBelow 500
AquacultureBelow 2000 (varies depending on species)
Swimming pools500 to 1000
Other usesVaries (200-2000)

Final Thoughts

As you can see, TDS measurements are easy to take. But, you must makesure you are taking all these steps with caution, after calibrating, making sure batteries are fine, and doing the interpretation just fine.

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