Can you put a Brita filter in the fridge? (Explained)

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Written By John Roe Stephen

Yes. Generally, the manufacture recommends placing a Brita filter in the fridge after every use. The pitcher comes with easy to use size and shape that doesn’t need special care to store in the refrigerator. There are greater chances of growing bacteria on the pitcher if it is left in the open air. 

Step by Step guide to store the Brita filter into the fridge safely.

Step 1: Dry the Brita filter from outside

After use, clean the Brita filter with a dry cloth before storing it in the fridge. Drying the pitcher is necessary to keep it safe from bacteria.

Water drops stored outside the filter could contain tiny bacteria, which quickly multiply on the wet surface. 

When you store the wet pitcher in the refrigerator, the bacteria will get a chance to evolve and occupy a significant amount of space in the outer layer.

Cleaning the outer layer of the filter will wash out the bacteria and reduce the chance of contamination.

Step 2: Put the pitcher into the refrigerator.

Once you are done with the cleaning, place the pitcher into the refrigerator. Keep a sufficient distance between two objects while putting the pitcher into the fridge.

If the other object has harmful bacteria, they may get transmitted through physical contact and foul the water.

Step 3: Cool down the pitcher

Let the pitcher cool down in the refrigerator. The water tastes good when it is cold, and minerals in the water will enhance the taste and make you feel refreshing. 

Step 4: Put the pitcher back in the fridge after every use.

After every use, ensure that you follow these steps and put the Brita filter into the refrigerator. Keeping the pitcher outside would make it develop harmful bacteria. 

Also, the filter would contain dirt and dust trapped inside during the filtration, getting the suitable environment to multiply. Thus, storing the Brita filter at a cold temperature is essential to increase the filter’s lifespan.

How long does Brita filtered water last in the fridge?

Brita filters last for about two months or 40 gallons of water, whichever comes first. In the condition of hard water filtration, the expiry of the filter may come soon. 

If we talk about the water taste, the water will taste refreshing in the early few weeks. As the days pass, the contamination would reduce the water’s quality, which impacts the taste of the water. 

People who live in the region where the water tastes terrible may be receiving a highly contaminated water supply. Brita filter may not sustain longer, and you may have to replace the filter more often. 

Every Brita filter comes with a built-in electronic filter indicator, and the indicator light will start blinking when it is time to replace the filter. 

When you see the light blinking indicating it is time to replace the filter, get the new filter for the replacement as early as possible. Drinking water from the contaminated Brita pitcher would develop serious health issues. 

Can you put zero water pitcher in the fridge?

Yes. You can store the zero water pitcher in the fridge. The zero water pitcher left at room temperature could develop harmful bacteria inside the filter. It is advisable to put the pitcher at a moderated temperature to prevent the development of the bacteria in the filter. 

The water passing through the filter will bring harmful bacteria into the dispenser. The trapped dirt and dust get a chance to multiply when they are at room temperature.

Within a few days, the tiny bacteria would have a colony of thousands which would start contaminating the water. 

You will experience the change in the taste of the water. It is a clear sign that the pitcher is spoiled and no longer effective in cleaning the water. Also, the watercolor will change to pale yellow.

Therefore, it is recommended to store the pitcher in a cold area such as a refrigerator to prevent the development of the bacteria in the filter.

The cold storage facility will increase the lifespan of the water filter, giving you a long-lasting effect. It reduces the maintenance cost, and no need to change the filter more often.

Do water filters need to be refrigerated?

Yes. The water filter contains tiny holes where the dirt, dust, and material are trapped. It also holds the bacteria inside. The bacteria will multiply inside the filter when the water filter is left on the table at room temperature.

The suitable condition makes them proliferate and surround the filter, and build the colony of thousands. 

If the pitcher had been left untouched in the open space for several weeks, it would have been foul and no longer adequate to drink water. The water will taste sour and change the color to pale yellow. 

Although the situation would not be easily detectable from the outside, you can feel the development of the bacteria when you taste the water. Cold temperature stops the growth of the bacteria. 

Thus, it would be best if you always put the water filter pitcher into the refrigerator after every use. It will improve the lifespan of the filter, and you do not have to replace the filter more often, saving you lots of money.

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