Better Water, Better Life with Culligan Softeners

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Written By John Roe Stephen

Culligan has been a popular choice for households looking to reduce hard water issues for decades. They provide a reliable and cost-effective solution to removing hardness from your water supply and can help to protect your home’s plumbing, water-using appliances, and clothing from mineral deposits.

Soft water helps to improve the taste of your water by reducing the number of minerals that can cause stains and buildup on pipes and fixtures, as well as protecting your skin and hair.

Here in this article, we’ll explore the features and benefits of Culligan Water Softener and how they can help improve your water quality.


  • Improved water quality: Culligan water softeners remove minerals like calcium and magnesium that cause hardness in water.
  • Longevity of appliances and fixtures: Hard water can cause mineral buildup and damage to appliances and fixtures over time. Culligan softeners prevent this damage, extending their lifespan.
  • Better taste and smell of water: Hard water can have a noticeable taste and odor. Culligan softeners provide clean, fresh-tasting water for drinking and cooking.
  • Reduced cleaning time: Hard water leaves mineral deposits on fixtures and surfaces, making cleaning difficult. Culligan softeners minimize these deposits, making cleaning easier and more efficient.
  • Cost savings: In the long run, Culligan water softeners can save homeowners money by reducing the need for repairs and replacements of appliances and fixtures damaged by hard water.

Culligan Home Water Softening Unit
Culligan Home Water Softening Unit

How Culligan Water Softener Works and Their Benefits

Mechanical filters cannot eliminate dissolved minerals which make the water hard. So, you will have to use a water softener for that. It breaks hard water and softens it by using the ion exchange process.

Culligan water softening system passes water through a resin tank that contains tiny polystyrene beads coated with sodium ions. When the hard water enters the resin tank, the magnesium and calcium ions are attracted to the sodium ions on the resin beads.

This exchange process causes the magnesium and calcium hardness ions to be removed from the water through the resin beads, making it soft. Finally, water is ready for drinking, washing, and other household tasks.

Culligan offers unique benefits with smart features that distinguish them from other softeners. They do the hard job that your water filtration systems cannot: removing scale from your water and turning it into soft water. Let’s see what benefits you will enjoy from these water softeners:

The Benefits of Culligan Water Softener
The Benefits of Culligan Water Softener

Prevents Mineral Buildup

Hard water contains highly dissolved minerals like calcium, magnesium, etc. These minerals cause scale buildup in your pipes, hot water heater, shower doors, hot water tank, etc. Culligan removes these minerals to reduce scale buildup, protect these systems, and provide you with soft water throughout the house.

Improves Cleaning

Cleaning with hard water can leave a residue on your dishes, laundry, and other surfaces. You can remove calcium and magnesium from the water using Culligan. They will allow detergents to work more effectively and prevent soap scum.

Reduces Energy Costs

Scale buildup on appliances and pipes can reduce the efficiency of your appliances and plumbing systems. By reducing limescale buildup, Culligan softeners will increase the efficiency of these systems, which can lead to lower energy costs.

Increase In Food and Beverages Taste  

Hard water can taste bitter when used in cooking or for beverages. Culligan units improve the taste by removing unnecessary minerals from the water. Thus, water usage in your food and beverages will taste clean and pure.

Protects Plumbing

Scale buildup can also cause blockages in pipes, leading to costly repairs. Culligan can reduce dissolved minerals buildup, soap scum, etc., and protect our plumbing fixtures.

How To Install Culligan Water Softener?

Install Culligan Water Softener
Install Culligan Water Softener

Now, let’s see how the Culligan unit’s installation works. You will have to install the softener unit to the main water line of your house, connecting the brine tank filled. Here’s the step-by-step process:

  • Firstly, turn off the main water line of your house.
  • Then install the unit in a suitable location, such as a basement or utility room.
  • You have to connect the inlet and outlet pipes to the water softener. You will have to use the appropriate size and type of pipe.
  • Now, create a drain line to carry out the removed minerals.
  • After that, connect the electrical power supply to your Culligan water softener.
  • Fill the brine tank with salt. You should follow the manufacturer’s instructions for this task.
  • Program the settings as per the manufacturer’s instructions.
  • Turn the water supply on to check for leaks and fill the pressure tank.
  • Finally, test your water for hardness to check how effectively your Culligan water softener works.

Preparation For the Installation

water softener installation
water softener installation

The water softener installation takes about 1 to 2 hours. However, the duration varies depending on the age of your plumbing system and equipment. Culligan generally sends a local Culligan technician to install the unit.

The team will bring all the necessary tools and equipment. Your local Culligan water expert will also find a suitable location to install the unit. Garage, basement, utility room, and outdoors are the most common locations where people put on their water softener units.

You will need around 9 to 10 square feet of area to install the Culligan unit. However, the actual space needed depends on the size of your water softener unit. Another good thing is the team will clean everything related to the water softener installation.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the life expectancy of a Culligan water softener?

The life expectancy of a water softening unit varies based on several factors like the type and quality of the system, the water quality, materials used for water softening, and the use and maintenance of the system. Generally, Culligan water softeners last around 10 to 20 years.

What kind of water softener does Culligan use?

Culligan offers some of the most trustworthy water softeners available in the market. They mostly use salt-based ion exchange innovative systems in their water softeners, which is one of the best ways to soften water. Culligan uses other technologies like reverse osmosis, magnetic, and descaling systems to remove water hardness.

How much does it normally cost to install a water softener?

The cost of a water softening unit installation can vary greatly depending on the size, brand, and type of water softener you choose. However, you can expect to pay anywhere from $500 to $2,500 for installing a standard water softener.

Can you drink Culligan softened water?

You can drink Culligan softened water. But you should remember that Culligan water softeners increase your water’s sodium ion salt level, which can cause health issues like high blood pressure, dry skin, hair, etc.

Final Thoughts

Culligan Water Softening units are an excellent choice for people looking to improve their water quality. They’re easy to install, reliable, and come in various sizes and models. With Culligan, you can rest assured that you will get the best water softener available today.

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