Why is my Brita filtering so fast ? (Explained and solutions)

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Written By John Roe Stephen

You might not have fixed the filter correctly in the container. Check the locking mechanism. Read the manual to understand how the filter works. The water will find its way through the gap between the filter and the container. As a result, the filter drops the water too fast.

Why is my Brita Long last filter so fast?

There are several reasons why the Brita Long last filter will run fast and pass the water without filtering to the bottom container. Drinking water that is not filtered perfectly is not recommended. It is harmful to health.

Here are some of the reasons why Brita’s long last filter moves the water so fast.

1) Faulty Filter

The manufacturing defect is one reason why the filter cannot process the water from the filter. Generally, the Brita filter is made from the carbon filling that stops the harmful particles, tiny substances found in the water. As a result, the water moves quickly.

It is trapped during the filtration process and reduces the speed of the water. Therefore, you see the slow movement when water passing through the filter.

When the filter is faulty, it will not have sufficient carbon in the filter that stops the water, and no filtration will occur in the water. Drinking non-filtered water would cause various health problems.

2) Not fixed correctly

When the filter is not attached to the locking system correctly, it will create a gap between the filter and the container.

The space between the filter and the container will leak the water, and you will notice the water is dropping very fast.

The water is not moving through the filter; hence it is not purified. Fix the filter as suggested by the manufacturer.

Ensure that there is space between the filter and the top container. The tiny space can also lead the water leakage.

3) Broken pieces

There are possibilities that the filter might have broken during the transition. For example, suppose the filter shows water leakage when replacing it with the old filter.

In that case, there are possibilities that the filter or the container that holds the water during the filtration might have broken.

Check for the cracks near the leakage. Also, inform the seller about the problem.

Send them pictures or videos of the active filter to see what is causing the issue.

The support team of the Brita filter would get in touch with you and provide you the solution.

How fast should my Brita filter be?

Usually, the Brita filter takes around 10 to 15 minutes to purify the water.

However, in some region where is already cleansed before dispensing to the locals may offer quicker purification because the purified water will not have harmful particles or dust.

As a result, the water moves quickly. The process of filtration and the speed is entirely depending on the water condition in your area. The hard water would have several tiny particles.

These particles get trapped in the filtration process, and the membrane becomes contaminated.

When too many of the particles are blocked, it creates clogging, reducing the water speed.

As you process the more hard water regularly, the clogging slows downs the water filtration, and you will notice the water has now slowed down beyond the average speed.

Air Blocks

Air blocks are also one of the problems that people face in their Brita filter. When you filter the water, air blocks act as a strong barrier that stops water from moving down to the filter and reaching the bottom container.

The air blocks create a wall around the filter and do not allow the air to pass the water from the filter.

It leads to a slower rate of filtration. Remove the air by submerging the filter into a clean water bucket.

Remove air from the filter and, after that, connect it to the Brita filter.

If the filter floats for several minutes, it indicates that the filter has air trapped in it.

Rinse the filter under running water for 20 seconds and reinstall it again to your Brita filter.

High Sediment level

Solid particles are one of the problems that every filter faces in its lifetime. There are many regions where the water condition is terrible.

Even if you live in the city where purified water is sent to household use, there will be some days when your faucet will turn bad, and you will start receiving the hard water with high sediment levels.

This is because the filters are not designed to clean the excess amount of contamination in the water.

The sediments get trapped in the water and pass through the filter. The membrane available in the filter tries to process them, but as it reaches the more than average level, the filter will fail, and it will become ineffective.

The sediment level also determines the speed of the water purification. The higher the sediment level, the more time it will take to pass the water.

How do I know if my Brita filter is working?

The Brita filter comes with an indicator light. Each color of the light indicates something to the users. A yellow light is an indication that the filter is about to reach the end of its life.

The red light is a final alarm that indicates the filter has expired. Get the new filter as soon as possible and keep it ready.

You should not drink the water coming out of the filter with the red light blink on it. Instead, get the new filter and replace it as soon as possible.

Every Brita filter comes with a maximum water filter capacity of 40 gallons. When the limit is reached, it becomes ineffective and may require the replacement of the filter.

Follow the instruction given by the manufacturer to understand the importance of each indicator. Some filters may have a digital indicator that tells you the actual condition of the water.

The filtration process is tracked based on the amount of water filled in the container.

So when the indicator tells you to change the filter, you should get the new filter as early as possible. Avoid drinking the water from the expired filter.

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